Following the global changes in content production and delivery systems, we build the most effective strategies for copyright and related rights protection. Mamunya IP covers the full range of matters related to copyright law and helps not only to reduce the risks of copyright infringement at the stage of project development, but also to provide full protection of rights in case of violation.
Our copyright and related rights expertise covers negotiations, transactions and disputes, inter alia, regarding collective management societies and copyright levies. Our recent experience includes big software copyright dispute, freedom of information cases, copyright cases, portrait rights cases, copyright licensing and transactions in the art business, copyright matters in media, publishing, technology and entertainment industries. Taking into account our unique experience in the field, our team members are involved in the working groups for amending the Ukrainian copyright and related rights law, as well as liaising with regulatory authorities in the industry.
Our expertise in this area includes the following:
· Protecting copyright and database rights within pre-trial procedures and in the courts
· Copyright risk management
· Drafting and negotiating copyright licensing and assignment agreements, as well as agreements aimed at protection of works of fine art, literature and photography
· Protecting name and reputation of individuals
· Droit de suite