Mamunya IP announces promotion of Ganna Prokhorova to firm’s Partner, effective January 1, 2022.
This step demonstrates the firm’s clear commitment to investing in its sustainable development by promoting talents.
Ganna Prokhorova is an attorney-at-law, mediator and arbitrator focused on Intellectual Property, and particularly on trademarks, copyright and designs, unfair competition, and art. Since 2005 she has been assisting major domestic and international companies in protecting the intangible assets. Also, Ganna has a profound experience in IP litigation and domain name disputes.
Ganna is a WIPO Domain Name Panelist under the UDRP and UA-DRP, both at WIPO (Geneva, Switzerland), URS Examiner at MFSD (Milan, Italy), and an arbitrator at the Court of Arbitration for Art (CAfA) (the Hague, the Netherlands).