Новини / 05 11 2022

Ganna Prokhorova presents at PTMG Autumn Conference

Last month our Partner Ganna Prokhorova attended the PTMG Autumn Conference ‘PTMG on the road again – Trademarks Back To The Future’ held in Lisbon, Portugal. The conference organized by the Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group after a three-year COVID-related break traditionally brought together IP and Pharmaceutical professionals to discuss hot topics and developments regarding pharmaceutical trademarks and related subjects.

The exceptional speakers from the profession presented topics such as future of the pharmaceutical industry, protecting trademarks under sanctions and in the Eastern Europe, protecting brands online, stopping the distribution of counterfeit and illegitimate medicines and others. The discussion also touched on important regulatory instruments such as U.S. Trademark Modernization Act, U.S. Drug Supply Chain Security Act and the EU Directive on falsified medicinal products for human use.

Even in wartime, it is important to stay informed, especially when it comes to medicines. Pharmaceutical trademarks are an important source of guidance for both patients and healthcare professionals that help to avoid brand name related medication errors, thus increasing patient safety.

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